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Interest so far

Yes - definitely: Philtheetiler, Lazlo Woodbine, Duncan, Yorkshirelass
Sorry - can't come: MissBee

Thank you so much for the invite and it’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to join. I hope you all have a great time and enjoy! Best wishes. MB 😊

MBMissBee   on 10/07/23 @ 18:10

Please put Julie down as well
Doug. Thank you

YoYorkshirelass   on 20/07/23 @ 20:21

Hi Doug , just realised that I have not booked for this , would like to if not too late. 🥂

PhPhiltheetiler   on 16/10/23 @ 22:03

Haven’t booked it yet. You are fine.

LWLazlo Woodbine   on 18/10/23 @ 17:46

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